From Cleats to Combat Boots: A Comedy of Tears and Triumphs in My Navy Mom Evolution

From Cleats to Combat Boots: A Comedy of Tears and Triumphs in My Navy Mom Evolution

#FromSoccerMomToNavyMom: A Tale of Tears and Anchors 

So, picture this: I'm just your average soccer mom, cheering on my kid's team with all the enthusiasm of a caffeine-infused cheerleader. Life is all about goals, dribbles, and goals. And then, BAM! My son drops the Navy bomb on me like it's a surprise party. 

Out of the blue, my son calls. "Mom! I did it!  I'm enlisted in the Navy!" he excitedly drops the news. My heart plummets faster than a goalie during a penalty shootout. Wasn't it just yesterday he was trading Pokémon cards? 

Flashback to sixth grade when he first mentioned joining the military. Fast forward to high school graduation, and guess who's got his ticket to Bootcamp? That's right, my baby. My one and only. Cue the freak-out!

So here's the thing, my son was about to fly the coop. But hey, he'd never been on a plane before, and now he's off to become a sailor. Just imagine me, the mess of emotions, trying to act all calm and collected. 

Now, hold on, we're not done. He's gotta take this ASVAB test (don't ask me what it stands for, it's all alphabet soup to me). Medical checks, ASVAB, medical checks—phew, he makes it through. Obviously, my kid is a rock star. 

Fast forward again. The day of reckoning arrives. "Bootcamp," he says. I'm over here thinking it's some kinda new-age fitness craze. "I've never been on a plane and now I'm off to Bootcamp, Mom!" Oh boy, the world traveler in the making.

As he jets off, I'm crying like I'm auditioning for a soap opera. Seriously, tissues were my new BFFs. 

And then, guess what, COVID decides to join the party. Perfect timing, right? Here's my kid, marching off to Bootcamp in a mask, in the middle of a pandemic. Because why not?

So, lockdown happens. I'm high-risk, got asthma to prove it. No work, all this time on my hands, and my brain on overdrive. What's a mom to do? Queue the Navy Mom Facebook support groups. Turns out, there are thousands of moms just like me, all sending virtual hugs and sharing tissues.

But wait, there's more. His ship-out date gets pushed. Thanks, pandemic. Silver lining? More time with my baby. 

Then, it's go time. He's off to Bootcamp! We're all in the car, everyone's quiet because if we start talking, I'm gonna burst into tears. Who knew silence could be so loud?

He finally lands and gives me a ring. "I'm here, Mom. Gotta go now." Click. That's it. My baby's all grown up and in uniform. I'm left staring at my phone like it's an alien object.

Now comes the fun part. I join this Bootcamp timeline group. Every day is like a military-themed advent calendar. "Oh, he's doing push-ups today," I'd say, as if I had insider info. 

Cut to the panicked call: "Mom, I'm in medical, can't talk much. What if I made a mistake?" Wait, what?! My heart takes a nosedive. My baby needs me, and I can't do anything but pray to God he will be alright.

As weeks roll on, I'm becoming a certified letter-receiving ninja. His letters are like gold, offering a glimpse into his world of sore muscles and training.

Then, the moment arrives. "I'm a Sailor!" I get the call, and suddenly I'm a proud Navy mom doing a happy dance. 

Graduation day comes, and I'm glued to my screen because of the pandemic. No hugs, just virtual claps. Still, my heart swells with pride.

And there you have it—my rollercoaster ride from soccer mom to Navy mom. Tears, laughter, panic, and pride, all in one wild journey. And guess what? I wouldn't trade it for anything! Bring on the Navy adventures, we're ready for you. Anchors away! 



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